Holidays are the days everyone looks forward to because they are considered a break. Most adults look forward to breaks like spring breaks since they see a week where they can get out of their working environment. Likewise, most kids look forward to Christmas break since they are giving gifts and have two weeks to start their new year in school. 

The problem with looking forward to these holiday breaks is that most people look at them as too short when in reality, they are not. If you ask a student if their spring break is too short, they will give you the same answer as an adult, yes. 

Holidays should not be longer because both students and adults will forget what they were doing before their breaks. If a student is given an important lesson on a new topic right before a break starts, the probability of the student remembering what they were told is very low. On the other hand, if an adult is taught how to do something new in their work environment right before a break starts, there are high chances they will forget it. 

There is no clear way to determine how much information one may forget during these breaks, but the average person forgets about four things in a day, according to studies done on both men and women worldwide. Forgetting four things a day while being in environments like school where something new is taught every day translates into students having a more difficult time remembering things while not in those environments. Some people may say that for people not to forget what they did before, some sort of homework is given, but homework won’t change anything since most people either forget about it or don’t have the time to complete it. Also, holidays should not be longer because they will interrupt the learning flow.

Holidays should not be longer because the time to adjust back to their environment will take longer. Students who go to a foreign country for their summer vacation will spend almost two months outside of their norms. In two months, someone’s habits can completely change, and adjusting back can be a problem. According to Healthline studies and studies from the University College London, building a habit takes 21 full days. A whole summer break is longer; therefore, kids may build habits that can result in having a tough time adjusting back to school. Kids are given summer break packets and assignments, yet 70 % percent of kids state to dislike homework and therefore do not do it. 

Holidays should not be longer because most people cannot afford for them to be longer. If a holiday is extended, that means that are fewer days for people to work and therefore fewer days for people to earn money. If holidays are extended for children, then parents have to find a way for such kids to be fed and taken care of. On average, a babysitter charges about $15 an hour. According to CNN, such a babysitter would work for about 9 hours, making the wage of a day of babysitting almost $135 for one single day. Most people cannot pay a babysitter $700 for a work week. People can argue that such kids could stay with their relatives, but in reality, not everyone has the opportunity to drop off their kids at relatives’ care. 

Most people think that longer holidays will only bring benefits while that is not true. People must understand that holidays are already long enough. Many families cannot afford childcare during holidays, and longer holidays can also result in difficulties adjusting back to school and work, affecting productivity.




  • United States

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