Guidelines for writing an opinion

Posting Requirements

  • Posts should be roughly between 250 and  750 words.
  • Hyperlink your sources. This is the most frequent issue we see in submitted posts and takes up a lot of our editorial time. Without sources, your submission is considered plagiarism which is a big no-no. So, use hyperlinks within the text.
  • Use active voice in your posts.
  • Trust and use your own voice even if you are getting your post reviewed by others.
  • Please choose a maximum of three categories for your post.
  • Featured image isn’t necessary if you do attach one, use one in 3:2 ratio, preferably 600×400 pixels. We will add one if the post is missing a featured image.

Tips and examples

  • Duke’s op-ed guideline has great tips and clarifies how opinion writing is different from a typical essay or research paper.
  • TeenInk has several awesome opinions written by teens. You can get inspired but do not plagiarize.
  • Run your post in Grammarly to catch any obvious grammar issues.
