The breeze whispered past the vast green trees as dusk approached. The sun, just hidden behind the earth, left stains of orange, hues of yellow, and a blush pink blanket of blue. Silhouettes of palm trees projected while the early moon echoed onto the rippling water. Like a scene from a movie, the world appeared perfect and picturesque. Something I couldn’t help but appreciate. It was a beautiful quarantine night.

But, like an oxymoron, those words sounded wrong. Beautiful and quarantine. How could utter opposites go together? It seemed impossible. Alas, as COVID swept the globe, canceling life as we knew it, cities switched off like a light. However, in an extraordinary way, it’s clear that when one light turns off, another flickers on. The remarkable nature, gorgeous sun, and balmy water that make up our world acted as this new gleam, as COVID allowed for the beauty within it to thrive.

One hundred and five. One hundred and five tiny sea turtles poked their heads up from the barreling sand. Above, the sun sparkled down, glistening on the long beach. Blue painted the sky while palm trees overhead shaded their path to the shore. Buried below lay the turtle’s previous hatched homes while they raced to greet their new one. Inch by inch by inch, the tiny turtles finned down the beach with all their might. Together the nest moved quickly for fear another predator or human would sweep them up like they had so many others. But for this little nest, the beautiful March day promised a happy ending. After the squirm down the scorching beach, a tiny splash of diving sea turtles sounded as they entered the ocean. Each turtle had completed their journey on the shore and immersed themselves into the ebbing water’s edge. Like a celebration, the bubbling sea and blue waves invited more and more of these baby turtles in as COVID hit. With life on hold, trampling tourists stayed off the beaches allowing for the safety of the turtles.  Like the little nest that made it into their new home, over 200,000 olive ridleys, a vulnerable turtle species, benefitted greatly from the local lockdowns.

Simultaneously, success around the world grew. Citizens of New Delhi, India, could see the beauty of the Himalayas, which previously hid behind the blanket of pollution. Deer families filled the streets, absentmindedly crossing the car-less intersections. Pods of dolphins and fish returned to Italy’s clearing coasts. As this news permeated, I was transported back to the March night sky. The same gorgeous sun that painted vibrant colors shone through India into the vast Himalayan range. The calm breeze that flowed through tree leaves whooshed through the forest of thriving deer families. The same rippling water invited dolphins and new turtles. Moments of nature’s beauty sprinkled the world as we knew it.

Perhaps people grew too consumed with the hurt of their own lives to recognize the greatness occurring in others, or they chose to focus on the larger aspects at hand. Regardless, our generation has learned how dependable the beauty of nature remains as a result of our actions. Remarkable news, even amidst hardship, proves how much the earth has to offer. Teaching generations to reinforce these captivating elements and assist in appreciating and uplifting the planet’s perfection. Now the question lies, how can nature and people prosper in unison?


  • United States

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