Standardized testing, a haunting test. A test that determines your college admissions, whether you will get scholarships, and in a way, rates your intelligence. 

Over 64% of Americans feel like these tests are emphasized too much, and I would have to agree with that statement. I, along with a lot of people, deal with test anxiety and these standardized tests are a weakness. No matter how hard people try on the SAT and ACT, they seem to do poorly on them and feel like their test scores don’t actually reflect their intelligence.

These standardized tests should not hold the amount of power that they do. These tests quite literally determine your future if you decide to go to college, and I feel like this should change. 

Standardized tests have been a part of American education since the mid-1800s and are still around and are just now really changing since the pandemic. 

I wish schools wouldn’t hold standardized tests at the high standard they do. The moment you walk into the test room to begin the standardized tests, you are hit with anxiety listening to all the rules you must follow. The anxiety lingers when you see the number of bubbles and questions you must answer, but the real anxiety is waiting for the test scores to come back, followed by the disappointment some are left with when they see that they didn’t achieve the test scores they wanted.

I know these tests are still around for a reason and that there’s not much we can do, but by sharing our opinions as test-takers, we are changing the education system.

This past year 72% of colleges and universities have adopted the test-optional policies last year. 75% of four-year colleges and universities in the United States are now test-optional for the 2021-2022 application cycle. This gives me hope in the fact that standardized tests are changing. 

I know many students feel that the standardized tests should not rank and feel like they determine your intelligence because they don’t. Tests don’t determine your intelligence. 



  • United States

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