My family members are highly organized people who stick to schedules. Take my elder sister as an example. During weekends, she wakes up at eight o’clock in the morning the second the alarm hits, while there’s me on the bed next to her, drooling all over the place, refusing to surrender to the timely racket of the alarm. By the time I wake up, my sister and my other family members have been awake for about six hours. Or even longer.

I am like a misplaced piece of the puzzle in my family. Most of the time, I feel motivated by a whim without much further thought, or I suddenly submerge myself in the research of something I feel like doing at the moment. But it’s not like I have never tried having a schedule. I used to create a study schedule like my sister’s the week before midterms.

Of course, the study schedule did not work. I studied a bit of every subject and got nothing from it. I think the faults of studying with a schedule come from the fact that we get trapped by the pressure of time. The pressure propels us to think only about time and about finishing which subjects by what time. However, studying and actually remembering what we have studied focuses on whether we are concentrating on understanding what we are reading and not just completing a mundane task.

The shackles of time may not always work positively, especially for a somehow whimsical person like me. For someone determined to do what they want at the very moment, confining their interest in a particular research topic, perhaps a trifle of history or a random experiment that proved the existence of a biological molecule will not help increase their interest efficiency. People like me have our focus, and we know what we are doing. Time schedules do not work for us. Our schedules are ruled not by time but by passion.

People sometimes say that I am a procrastinator or just an impulsive child. Yet, never have I failed to achieve academically even without having a strict and dull time schedule. I am and will continue to be the top student with a perfect GPA but without a perfectly drawn-out plan.


  • Taiwan

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