TAG Mental Health
We Shouldn’t Have to Wait for College to Feel Safe
Going to college is a solution that I’ve heard from so many people my age who want to escape from their situation. Whether they grew up in an unsafe environment, experienced bullying […]
Depression / Life / Mental Health
The Battle with Depression is Worth it
Obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Throughout my life, I’ve faced challenges that helped me become the person I am today. I’ve struggled with depression ever since I can […]
Bullying / Mental Health / Relationships
Are bullies really bullies? Or are they also victims to similar circumstances?
Bullies are everywhere. They are in schools, neighborhoods, classes, and just about everywhere you can think of. I was bullied for five years straight. I was teased, made fun of, and I […]
Family / Friends / Health / Mental Health
Mental Health: Misconceptions and Guidelines
The mental health crisis is a well-known crisis but also commonly misunderstood, in my opinion. Many people I have talked to, such as my parents and other people my age and older, […]